There is a game some play called, "Never have I ever." You must name something that you have never done. But I like the game changed up a bit. I will call it, " Never will I Ever." It involves naming things that you will not do. It could be used to come up with your New Years Resolutions. I only have one New Years Resolution for 2021. I will never stop reading through the Bible. You may ask me why I made this decision. My answer is -- the year 2020. This past year I have tried to discern what the truth is about Covid 19, China, Russia, the United States, right, wrong, good, and evil. I feel this has been a year of great deception and confusion for me and for many others. Only God knows the truth. If we want to know the truth the only place to find it is in His Word. Warning-- it is like running a marathon to read through the Bible in one year. At the end you will feel exhausted but euphoric.
Jeremiah 17: 9 "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
There is a game some play called, "Never have I ever." You must name something that you have never done. But I like the game changed up a bit. I will call it, " Never will I Ever." It involves naming things that you will not do. It could be used to come up with your New Years Resolutions. I only have one New Years Resolution for 2021. I will never stop reading through the Bible. You may ask me why I made this decision. My answer is -- the year 2020. This past year I have tried to discern what the truth is about Covid 19, China, Russia, the United States, right, wrong, good, and evil. I feel this has been a year of great deception and confusion for me and for many others. Only God knows the truth. If we want to know the truth the only place to find it is in His Word. Warning-- it is like running a marathon to read through the Bible in one year. At the end you will feel exhausted but euphoric.
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
I'm not sure how many movies have been produced based on Charles Dickens book "A Christmas Carol." We've watched at least two or three of them. Above is a clip from the Muppets movie.
On Breakpoint this week Shane Morris expressed this idea about the moral of the story--Dickens appears to say that when Scrooge's old partner, Jacob Marley, rose from the dead it was to warn him to celebrate Christmas and our dear Savior's birth. Instead Scrooge said "Bah Humbug." But at the end of the story Scrooge takes a chance and a hope.
The Bible says this -- Luke 16:31 He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’”
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
I enjoyed the West Coast Baptist College's rendition of Andrew Peterson's new composition. ( )
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
I was delighted to take in the Christmas Spectacular by the Radio City Rockettes. Daughter, Heather, took me to see them in Seattle many years ago. At the end of the Christmas show they perform the Christmas songs and Nativity Pageant. Such a good rendition of the old, old, story of Jesus and His love. Check out the you tube above.
Monday, November 30, 2020
In case you have never understood the difference between cultural marxism and classical marxism here is an explanation by Dr. Voddie Baucham, He unpacks the Christian perspective. He has been blogging and speaking on this subject since 2007.
Titus 1:9 He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound[a] doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Chris and I have been watching various videos from "The Bible Project," a nonprofit animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated videos about the Bible. Above is an example of the work. In this video it tells the background and illustrates what II Peter is all about. Genesis through Revelation is covered in the extensive video catalogue along with various subjects-- like the character of God. Check it out. We found it on You Tube.
II Peter 1: 16 For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
Friday, November 27, 2020
Grace Grandma
Great Grandmother Grace-- born in Iowa
Grace Grandmother --born in Washington
Some of the stories I've heard about my mom's side of the family include:
- When Great Grandpa Roy and Great Grandma Grace moved back to Washington from California they lived with Great Great Grandpa George and Great Great Grandma Sarah. Daughter Evelyn was about 3 years old. She thought it would be a good idea to bite Great Great Grandpa George's rubber hot water bottle. She made a hole in it with her sharp teeth. She got into big trouble.
- Shortly after that everyone came down with whooping cough.
- Great Grandmother Grace always had dogs inside the house and cats outside. I remember Mitzi a big fat lazy cocker spaniel. She would sleep right up against the wood cook stove in the kitchen. When great grandma had to cook she would place her foot in Mitzi's stomach and slide her away from the stove so she could put more wood in the stove and cook on the cooktop.
- For breakfast, after everyone else had eaten, Great Grandma Grace would make herself a buttered piece of toast and pour herself a cup of the coffee that had boiled in a pan on the stove. She would smack her lips and give a contented sigh.
- Grace Grandma, after giving birth to five children and keeping them alive until adulthood, was very worn out. One time when visiting Spokane during a snowy day she dropped her keys in the street and they scattered in the snow. She stormed into her friend's Ralph and Nan's house, and sat down. She mentioned that her keys were in the street. The men all jumped up and ran outside to look for the keys.
- Another time while living in Hornbrook, she stalled her 1965 Falcon. She couldn't get it started so she left the car and walked home. She mentioned to Dave Grandpa that she had left the car on the railroad tracks. He took off like a bullet running to get the car off the tracks before a train hit it.
- When the Hornbrook town could no longer pick up trash because of budget cuts the people of the town were surveyed. They were asked what they planned to do with their trash. Grace Grandma said that she would throw hers into the street. The chickens and the goat would eat it!
- When Grandpa Dave was in his 80's he was hard of hearing. As he walked out the front door of their Redwood City home Grace Grandma asked him to check the mail. Soon he came walking back into the house. Grandma said, "Was there any mail?" He answered, "Somebody put grass in the recycling." Grandma never did find out if there was any mail.
Psalm 71: 18 So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.
Friday, November 20, 2020
You may remember the movie "Groundhog Day" with Bill Murray. See the trailer above. Well it looks like we are in a movie which is very similar. We seem to be repeating the lock down for the corona virus over and over. We are allowed to go out to get the basics-- food and clothing, and we are allowed to do some work outside of the home if it is essential work. But for those of us who had "plans," such as going to Thanksgiving dinner, they are to be put on hold.
I asked Chris, "What are you going to do today?" "Oh, same old, same old," he replied.
Maybe we can learn from Bill Murray's character and do some things we never expected to do. I'm about ready to pick up one of Chris's flutes and start tooting on it. I don't know what he is going to do. I expect he will take up jogging!
But life is a little like this movie. We are here to enjoy the good things God supplies, and for the Christians-- to spread the gospel, and make disciples, while we wait for Jesus to appear. We won't get it right until we see Him-- I John 3:2 Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Sunday, November 8, 2020
- Cousin Rinda remembers that one time Grandmother took all the grandchildren to a movie. After they were seated Grandmother stood up and announced that she had to go to the toilet. Rinda cringed as Grandmother made her way up the isle.
- Our friends, Ralph and Nan, would pick Grandma and Grandpa up for church. One time they picked them up in their truck. Grandma instructed them to not pick her up in the truck again.
- Aunt Emily attended a meeting of the Floral Society with Grandmother. Isabel was the secretary. When the meeting went on far too long as far as Grandma was concerned, she closed up her minutes, and went home.
- One time in the 60's when Grandma was watching Loren Green on the Bonanza TV show she asked Chris to adjust the color on her set. The knobs were on the back of the set. She kept saying it was too blue or red. Finally Chris just made it green. She wasn't too happy.
- When cousin Janet became engaged she was showing Grandma her ring. Grandma got out a magnifying glass to look at it. Janet was quite surprised as she thought that Grandma believed her diamond too small.
Friday, November 6, 2020
John Perkins "Dan of the Year"
When my family moved to northern Virginia in 1952 I was confronted with my prejudice against the south. My Grandpa Roy said that we were Scotch- Irish- Dutch and Yankee and mostly Yankee. I was still fighting the Civil War in my mind. Those who spoke with a southern accent I judged as being ignorant. ( My youngest brother, Wayne, spoke with a southern accent when he was a toddler. He certainly isn't ignorant. I refused to say ma'am and sir.) The formality of the south-- wearing hats and gloves for women-- seemed too much bother. I liked the rough dress of somebody like Annie Oakley. I hated the humidity. I hated the food-- black eyed peas and all. Don't get me started on okra! (I do like the greens though.)
But 30 years later I found out that my high school classmates where some of the best people I know. Nancy Morys Walsh, Carolyn Conway Riley, Carol Beal, Carol Stephens Keefe, Wandra Palmateer Early, Jimmy Weedon, Belle Richey, Charles O' Hare, and many others worked tirelessly to get us all together, and to check up on each other. I found out that many of my classmates were Christians-- Joe Clocker, Buzzy Lloyd, Jeanne Nicholson, and I all made connections. (I had gone to church camp with Nancy Lukehart in 1958 and kept our connection from then on.)
So today when I saw this "Dan of the Year" article on World Magazine I thought I must pass it on. I'm no longer fighting the War between the States. As John Perkins says-- we are just humans loved by God. Click here to read the article. God has worked in my life in many ways. Jesus isn't finished with me yet. What has Jesus done in your life?
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Saturday, October 24, 2020
John Piper, an influential pastor and writer, in a recent Christian Post article, criticized both candidates running for U.S. President in the 2020 election. See here. I immediately thought of the sermon series from Cascade Community Church in Monroe, WA. The series covered the activities of some of the people God called to help Israel in the Old Testament book of Judges in the Bible.
From Cascade this description is given-- "The book of Judges covers a period of hundreds of years that ultimately ends with everyone in Israel doing what is right in their own eyes. Israel chose to only partially obey God, which led to a repeated cycle of sin, oppression, crying out to God for help, God’s deliverance of His people through a Judge, short-term peace, complacency, and sin yet again. Over and over this cycle occurred in the land.
Yet throughout this chaotic time period, God raised up the unlikely Judges – the broken, the injured, old, young, men and women – to ultimately rescue His people. Even in darkness, He worked through them to accomplish His will, and continues to use the unlikely today."
If you would like to listen to any of the 6 excellent sermons click here. One sermon tells the story of Jepthah. He was a gang leader and an anti-hero. Here is an article about him and some of the other Judges. Click here.
We may have a couple of "gang" leaders running for office but Jesus is still King!
Friday, October 23, 2020
Shelby Steele’s new documentary, What Killed Michael Brown?, ostensibly focuses on the tragic case of a black teenager killed by a white officer in Ferguson, Mo., in 2014. But what it tells us about cultural myths—how they develop and why—goes far beyond a single flashpoint. Click here to read the review from World Magazine.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Today I received from Revive Our Hearts ( ) the daily devotional for this month's prayer challenge. We were encouraged to pray with our children. I had prayed bedtime prayers with my children but never prayed with them in times of crisis. This author encouraged us to pray with our children in times of stress. She quoted Lamentations 2:19 which reminded me of all the ladies I met through Moms In Prayer International( ). We supported each other through prayer for many years.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
The only place to go is to Jesus. Only He has the words of life. Click on the arrow in the You Tube above to hear the easy praise hymn. It was in the devotional for Revive Our Hearts-- Cry Out-- This morning. Click to read and listen.
Friday, October 9, 2020
Tim Challies, blogger, author, and book reviewer, says that the recent book by Scott David Allen-- "Why Social Justice Is Not Biblical Justice," is among the first book-length responses and it is one that makes a valuable contribution. Its strength is not just in calling people away from unbiblical notions of justice, but in calling people toward a fully-formed worldview in which Christians care more for justice—true justice—than anyone else. “This is my plea,” he says. “Recognize and reject the counterfeit. Remember what true justice is. Hold fast to that truth, no matter how unpopular. Speak it out. Demonstrate it. Be the salt and light Jesus commands us to be.” To that I give a hearty “Amen!”
Click here to read the whole review.
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
In the book of Revelation we are told that some day the earth and heavens will be made new by God. Here is a new look at how this may happen in a short sermon by David Jeremiah. He is a pastor in San Diego, California. We attended church there one time when we were living on our boat in Chula Vista. What do you think? Does this ring true for you? Click on the You Tube above to watch.
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Our cat Twinkles would escape occasionally from our house. One time the neighbor, Heather's friend Kristi, 8 years old, came over to our house. She was very upset because her cat, Pepper, was missing. Twinkles was missing too. We prayed and soon Twinkles came into the house through the open sliding door and Pepper was right behind her. Kristi was overjoyed!
Monday, September 28, 2020
Friday, September 18, 2020
GHS Bible Club 1960
In case you don't know it-- God loves you. From Matthew 10 we learn-- 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30 But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.
Christians, (those who have put their faith in Jesus), know that God loves them. I knew at a young age that God loved me. I always delighted in attending church. I knew everybody there loved me. They had to love me --it's a command from God. But at school nobody had to love me. I was a little embarrassed to get up in front of my lunch shift and ring the bell while we asked a blessing. But I remember what Jesus said in Matthew:10 32 "So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, 33 but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven." So I rang the bell and led the prayer.
Friday, September 4, 2020
SEPTEMBER 11, 2001
Where were you on September 11, 2001? I had just attended my Groveton High School class of 1961 reunion back in Virginia. Of the classmates pictured above two of them have passed away since that reunion. I have kept in touch with several others. We had concluded that reunion on Sunday, September 9. Many had headed for home. My husband, Chris, and I were staying in Alexandria and had planned to go into Washington D.C. and do some sight seeing with our friends Nancy Lukehart and Charlie Pavey. We managed to take in the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum on Monday the 10th. On Tuesday the 11th we hoped on the train to head in to DC. Suddenly someone said to somebody on their phone, "I can't believe they bombed the Pentagon." We looked in that direction and saw the black smoke. We looked at each other and said, "Today is not a good day to go into the city." We got off at the next stop and headed back to Alexandria.
To make a long story short we were trapped in Alexandria until Saturday before we could get a flight back to Seattle on the day of my cousin Heather's wedding at Ft. Lewis. We arrived just in time for the wedding. Chris and our daughter Heather took the pictures.

I found out later that I have two cousins where were born on September 11. I will never forget their birthdays again.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
I was baptized as an infant at St. Paul's Methodist church in Spokane. I remember claiming John 3:16 as a young child and knowing that I believed. Then at 15, after attending Confirmation Class at Calvary Presbyterian church in Alexandria, VA., and attending church camp, God began convicting me of my sin. I wrote down the sins I was struggling with. I put 2 sheets of what I had written behind the mirror over my dresser in my room. They caught in the paper backing and stayed there all through my parent's moves. When my dad passed away 45 years later I took the mirror to hang in my home. The backing tore and the 2 sheets of paper fell out. I saw what sins I was struggling with then. They were in line with the sins I struggle with now!
Even with all of this background I was biblically illiterate. My husband, Chris, challenged me. He said, "You don't know why you believe what you believe." I asked the Lord to make me love studying the Bible. He did! Now, after 40 years of studying the Bible I can defend my faith. I know "why I believe what I believe."
The "Sound Words" or the "Good News" is much easier to explain to others now. I am no longer a sheeple--"People who are meekly submissive or easily swayed. People who unquestioningly accept as true whatever their political leaders say or who adopt popular opinion as their own without scrutiny." I check to see how different issues line up with the Word of God. I read and memorize God's Word so that I can discern good and evil. I pray that every Christian will study the Bible and use the Gospel as a plumb line.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Can't sip a refreshing drink...
Can't see my smile...
Can't do vigorous exercise and still breath deeply...
Can't smell my bad breath...
You can color coordinate with your wardrobe...
What do you do and not do while wearing a mask?
Saturday, August 1, 2020
The Irish Blessing - over 300 churches from our island sing a blessing over Ireland and beyond ...
Friday, July 24, 2020
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
As Biblical Christians we read in God's Word Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” -- So we are to subdue the earth. But that doesn't mean we worship "Mother Nature" or fear that God will allow us to destroy the earth. We have no worries that the earth will be destroyed in 9 years and that we will die. God has told us what he will do with the earth in His time ( Revelation 21:1-27.) We have free will. We can go along with God's plan or we can rebel against it. Here is a link to a blog I found quite informative written by one of Jes's high school friends on this subject.
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
So how is a Christian to deal with all of this? We opine as Longfellow wrote-- And in despair I bowed my head; "There is no peace on earth," I said; "For hate is strong, And mocks the song Of peace on earth, good-will to men!" Then pealed the bells more loud and deep: "God is not dead, nor doth he sleep! The Wrong shall fail, the Right prevail, With peace on earth, good-will to men.
So we put on our masks, (Heather is wearing a mask in the picture above as she had a cold), we go out and do good, and we pray. God will prevail!