Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Psalm 121: I lift up my eyes to the hills.
    From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
    who made heaven and earth.

Papeete, Tahiti. Photo by Chris

 There is a game some play called, "Never have I ever."  You must name something that you have never done.  But I like the game changed up a bit.  I will call it, " Never will I Ever."  It involves naming things that you will not do.  It could be used to come up with your New Years Resolutions.  I only have one New Years Resolution for 2021.  I will never stop reading through the Bible.  You may ask me why I made this decision.  My answer is -- the year 2020.  This past year I have tried to discern what the truth is about Covid 19, China, Russia, the United States, right, wrong, good, and evil.  I feel this has been a year of great deception and confusion for me and for many others.  Only God knows the truth.  If we want to know the truth the only place to find it is in His Word.   Warning-- it is like running a marathon to read through the Bible in one year.  At the end you will feel exhausted but euphoric.

Here are some links recommended for reading through the Bible.  I'm using the chronological plan https:/  I like it as it fits on two pages that I print out.  I can check off the days as I read the passages for that day. Here are two more links Five DayBible reading plan. 

Will you read through with me?