Monday, December 29, 2014

My Five Refusals For 2015

Sometimes life feels like this

In past years I have never made any New Year resolutions because it has been said that everybody breaks theirs.  So why bother if you will blow it like everybody else?  Maybe the problem is that we try to do it in our own strength and don’t rely on God.  Of course this is scary.  One lady resolved to get more rest.  She twisted her back and wound up bedridden for a couple of weeks.  She got more rest but it was painful!  I guess the pain was a messenger from Satan but God used it for good anyway.  So I don’t choose to make any resolutions.

Instead I decided that, with God’s help, I would list my “refusals” for the New Year.  I can put the breaks on and skid to a stop, with God’s help, if I begin to do any of these things.

1.  I refuse to worry—I just listened to a sermon on “Worry.”  The podcast was from Mitchell Road Presbyterian church in Greenville, SC.  A former missionary gave it.   He listed some of his worries and I realized that I hadn't thought of those concerns before that sermon.  Then I began to worry.   Christians aren’t supposed to worry so I will cast all my cares on Jesus because He cares for me.  I’ll make my requests with thanksgiving and He will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus with the peace that passes all understanding.

2.  I refuse to envy others--   Sometimes I wish I could dance and leap and become a Rockette but I will choose to be thankful that God has given me legs that will walk.  Others are worse off than I am.

3.  I refuse to be fearful about stuff like this— Will Iran blow up Israel and then try to blow up the U.S.?  Will terrorists attack on a massive scale again?   Will Christians be persecuted and thrown in prison like they are in other countries?  God is in control.  All is well.

4.  I refuse to be bitter—Maybe I was betrayed and thrown under the bulldozer but God meant it for good.  I had to turn to Him because there was nowhere else to go.  I will forgive with God’s help.

5.  I refuse to be proud—Sometimes I want everyone to know that my way is the right way.  In humility I know that God will teach others and me the right way if we will trust Him.

That’s all I can come up with right now.  Do you have any refusals for the New Year?


  1. Love it, Bobbi! These are great and ones that I can identify with. I'm going to write these down and ask God to help me make these my own refusals.

    1. Thanks so much for commenting. Glad you can identify with me. It's good to have company along the Way!
