Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Agnes and Agatha

Click on the arrow to hear a 2015 28 minute radio broadcast about Christians dealing with ISIS from Voice Of The Martyrs

The most unchurched state in the union, according to a 2014 Gallup poll, is Vermont, http://time.com/4294/these-are-the-most-godless-states-in-america/. Following Vermont is New Hampshire and then Maine.  Washington State is the 7th least churched state.  This leads me to believe that it would be most unlikely for there to be very many people in the U.S. who would be willing to die for their faith, especially in the Northeast and the Northwest.

When Martin Luther wrote his “Table Talk” he related the story of two teen girls who had such a deep faith that they knew Jesus would receive them into His arms at the moment of their deaths.  Luther wrote,

 “Whence comes such courage and confidence, even to little maidens of thirteen and fourteen years old, such as Agnes and Agatha, & c., that they stand so bold before the Romish judge and sport when they are led to death, as though they were going to a dance, but that the glorious rooted faith and sure confidence has filled their heart, that God is not wroth with them but His gracious and merciful will is purely for their highest and eternal health and salvation!”

Because of the trust of these girls and of other martyrs, I pray that there will be a revival, if not in our whole country, at least with our young people.  If only God would do such a work that every young person would take a stand for Jesus.  We see Christian families being slaughtered across the Middle East.  Christian relief agencies are trying to help in very difficult circumstances.  The United States has turned its back on Christians and on Israel. If more of this evil, than is already here, comes to the shores of the U.S. how will we react?  Would Christians love Jesus so much that we would trust Him for our very lives?  I pray that it is so.

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