Wednesday, September 11, 2024



I used to get confused about the dates for 2 of my cousin's birthdays in September.  After the terrorist attack on the United States on 9/11 I no longer am.  I'll always recall to mind cousin Laurie and cousin Diana's birthdays.  They were both born on 9/11.  What happiness that they have added to my life.  Laurie helped us with craft projects one year to decorate our home for Christmas.  We still use her decorations each year.  Cousin Diana actually likes relatives and supported us by singing at our weddings, attending them, and other special events for our family.  She led singing for both my parent's funerals. 

But 9/11 is still a solemn day for many in the United States.  Above is a You Tube which tells about a memorial display for 9/11 which takes place in California each year.  The people of our country were unified.  The churches were full to bursting.  The only place we could find words of life was from Jesus.

John 6:68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life,

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