Grandma and Grandpa in Mexico
Summer is my favorite time of year. At one time I thought it was my favorite because my birthday is in the summer. I've tested my theory by asking others about their preferred season. Surprise, it isn't always around their birth month.
When I think of summer I remember long lazy days on land or sea. My dad liked the saying that, "Manana is good enough for me." Maybe that is one reason why first my grandparents, and then my parents, visited Mexico.
Mexico 1948 with relatives
After Chris and I were married our family was fortunate to enjoy several trips to Mexico. The weather and ocean in Mexico are superb from January to June. Life moves as slowly as a turtle knitting a sweater. The following pictures were taken during several trips to Mexico in the 1990's.
Sailing in the Sea of Cortez
Laundry duty
Old Town in Mazatlan with friends
Heather and Jes enjoying the sun
Chris in a country town near Mazatlan
Sea of Cortez
Potluck on the beach in the Sea of Cortez

Dock at Marina De La Paz
Chris with vegetable man at Marina De La Paz
Heather and Jes enjoying a fiesta
A big surprise that all of this food found storage on the boat
Heather and Jes enjoying the ocean
1 Timothy 6:17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
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