Friday, November 24, 2017


Jes riding horseback with Wayne's help in Hornbrook in about 1982

Speaking of manure the story about the pessimist and optimist goes like this-- 

Chris riding in 1949 Long Beach, WA

Another story I remember about manure took place in a World War II movie called "Three Came Home."  The women used human feces to fertilize their vegetable garden.

Grandfather Jes owned a horse which he kept at his parents home.  Here is the neighbor girl riding.

When I came down with fibromyalgia I wanted God to take me up to heaven right then.  I thought like Elijah when Elijah was sure Jezebel was going to kill him. He ran away and sat under a broom tree. I wanted to sit under a broom tree like Elijah and have food and water brought to me.

Davy riding bareback in Four Lakes

Another thing I thought about doing was applying to a writers group who sponsored writers to go sit in a cabin in the woods all alone and write a novel.  They would be supplied with food and shelter for several months. I thought that maybe that way I could recuperate from my fibro.

Many people are trying to recover from PTSD these days.  Jesus said that you would have trials and tribulations so don't be surprised.  So when you are given a pile of manure, remember my friend Nan's advice: "Ask God to help you to finish well by keeping you in your senses."  She did finish well by spreading the gospel through her cooking and prayers up to her very last week of life on this earth.

Jesus calls Christians the salt of the earth.  He may actually have meant the fertilizer of the earth.  To read a blog about it click here.

PS When I find the picture of the pony that my dad and Uncle Hollie had I will post that picture also.

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