Dad, Evy, Mom, Roberta, Jay
1950, the five Stowell’s, mom, dad, Jay, Roberta, and Evy, left Seattle on a
steamship sailing to Alaska. We
left behind, in Burbank, CA where we had been living for a few years, two
cocker spaniels, Blondie and Blackie, and a white cat named Beauty. All I remember about the trip to Alaska
by water was that Jay and Evy got seasick. I also recall that I talked Evy into dancing the hula around
the lounge while Hawaiian music played.
I had learned tap, ballet, acrobatic, and hula dancing in my dance class
in California. Evy made an
impression on the other passengers, as she was only 3 years old! Several exclaimed about how cute she
On the left front Aunt Evelyn, Evy next to me in my new parka, Mom behind me
Dick, Dorothy, Jay, Evy, me, 2 we don't remember
Dick, Dorothy, Jay, Evy, me, 2 we don't remember
Jay, Mom, Dad, me, Dick, Dorothy, Evy, Aunt Evelyn
Our church
had school and church activities to enjoy. I remember memorizing the Alaska Flag song at school. I still love that song. I participated in a Tom Thumb
wedding. I was the tallest
bridesmaid. I also did an
acrobatic routine during the half time of a basketball game.
A Snedden
cousin bought the Fairbanks paper.
My brother, Jay, had a newspaper route. He saved his money and bought a 22 rifle.
dad would give the forecast every year for the scheduling of the weather bureau
company picnic. Each year he got
it just about right. It would rain
before the picnic, and after the picnic, but not during!
Davy, Mom, me, Dorothy, Aunt Evelyn, Dad, Uncle Brad, Jay, Evy
most important event while we were in Alaska was the birth of my next to the
youngest brother, Davy. My dad
wrote a Christmas letter in April shortly after my brother was born. I will attach it at the end of this
Jay, me, Mom, Davy, Evy, Dad
left Alaska by air in 1952 headed for Washington D.C. area where my dad would
work as the assistant to the assistant chief of the weather bureau. We left
behind a white wirehaired terrier that had a brown teardrop on her forehead. I had named her Teardrop Snow-white Stowell.
The airplane was a non -pressurized flight. We had several false starts and delays. My dad coined the phrase “If time to
spare go by air.” Evy got
airsick. But we made it as far as
Seattle and then to Grandma and Grandpa’s farm in eastern Washington. We would travel to Virginia in October
after attending the Four Lakes two-room school for a few weeks.
Below is the letter my dad wrote in April of 1952: