Saturday, January 10, 2015

Pray, Plan, and Persevere

The enemies of the cross are still at it and have been a threat to the United States, as far as I know, since 1993, with the first bombing of the World Trade Center in New York.  In January of 2015 in France, al Qaeda trained terrorists killed possibly 20 people.  In Nigeria Boko Haram killed 2000 or more.  ISIS is killing faster than statistics can count.   The Open Doors ministry report on the persecuted church is  here.  Then there are the attacks in Israel.

A water aerobics friend just got back from a trip to Israel.  She saw The Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Jordan River, Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, The Dead Sea, and much more.  She enjoyed the trip very much in spite of just missing several murders that took place while she was there and several missiles being shot into Israel by Hamas from Gaza.

So what is the strategy that Satan has planned and recruited willing participants to complete?  We know that it is to blot out God’s people.  First Israel and then Christians.

 Last week I listened to the radio program “Understanding the Times.”  Jan Markel gave a talk on which U.S. Presidents helped and which hindered Israel.  She found some surprising results. Click here to listen.  

Most people never would have suspected that certain presidents would be helpful to Israel and that others would be a hindrance.  I’m glad that God is in control because He knows how all of this is going to work out.

What should the Christians and the Jews do in times like these?

When I was a kid we were afraid that Russia would bomb America so many people built bomb shelters. We had drills in school where we hid under our desks in case debris from the bomb fell on us.   But I would say the first thing we should do is pray and seek God.  Next, plan for ways of escape.  Be prepared with supplies in case of an attack.  Be observant for any unusual activity. And support our police and military. Don’t worry.  Tell others the good news of Jesus and Him crucified.  We know that we are living in the end times. May God help us to use the time we have left wisely for His Kingdom!

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