Sunday, October 6, 2024



Chris with Daddy Bert and Sinbad, Teddy, and Dana 1952.

Research says that singing in choirs is good for brain structure.  Confirming this is an article our son Jes sent us.

Jes's comment was that Daddy Bert must've been onto something with that!

"I was reading Gram's diary and it would talk about how he'd sing in at least 2 choirs on a Sunday! Probably was pretty good for his brain!"

Here is the rest of the story from Chris about his grandfather Daddy Bert:

Yes, Daddy Bert had a low baritone almost Bass voice. But he didn't have the timber to be a bass so he was considered a baritone. He sang in the Spokane Men's choir for years. I suppose the other choirs were church choirs. I remember as a little boy we were visiting Trail BC which was built along a river running through the city. One morning he took me for a walk along path by the river and then stopped to lean on a railing to look at the water. As we we stood there watching the water he started singing and I can still hear him in my mind singing "Old Man River." It is such a vivid memory that I swear I can actually hear him. He meant a lot to me as I didn't have a dad.

This brings back more memories. During WW2, my mother and I had moved to Spokane and we lived with Daddy Bert and my grandmother on Knox street in Spokane. I couldn't have been more than three or four but I have vague memories of having breakfast with him sometimes before he went to work as an engineer building the Farragut Naval Supply Depot in the Bayview, ID area. He would leave Spokane, probably about five or six to drive to Bayview – in those days there were no freeways and most of the highways were narrow and two lanes – the drive was probably a couple hours each way. You may wonder why the Navy would have the supply depot for the Pacific in Idaho. The thought was that the Japanese couldn't bomb it as it was so far inland (there was a significant fear during the war of an attack on the Mainland).

When I was five or so my mother and I moved to an apartment on Broadway Ave. After the war, Daddy Bert had taken a job with the Washington State Highway Department in Olympia. He would come over to visit when he could and always at Christmas. That Christmas he gave me my first bicycle and he proceeded to go out with me so he could teach me how to ride it. Those winters in the late 1940s and early 1950s had very heavy snowfalls so the sidewalks were lined with long piles of snow that was cleared from the walkway. I would get on the bike and he would give me a shove and I peddled like crazy until I would fall over, landing in the snow. This was a great way to learn to ride and I learned rather quickly.

Those memories of him singing while looking over the river, my having breakfast with him, and of his teaching me to ride my first bicycle are so real they bring tears to my eyes even today, some 75 years later. 

Proverbs 3:1 My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, 2 for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you.

Monday, September 30, 2024



Milky Way from Keck Observatory in Hawaii.  Internet photo.

When daughter Heather was in her first year of college she felt led to travel somewhere warm during her spring break.  We happened to have many many airline miles.  Also we found a coupon for a cheap place to stay if we were willing to attend a timeshare presentation. Unfortunately only Heather, son Jes, and I were free that week. Chris was involved in a big project at work.  We were sure he wouldn't miss us as he only came home to sleep for a few hours each night. So we made the reservations and called and left a message on Chris's work phone singing "Leaving on a jet plane." We immediately got a return phone call. He was very surprised but said he could handle batching it. That was our first trip to Hawaii.  A few others came later. 

Preceding us, Grandma Isabel and Grandpa Claude had traveled to Hawaii to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.

Next Grace Grandma and Grandpa Dave toured.

They gifted us with Hawaiian wear:

Chris, me, Heather, Grandma, Grandpa Jes

On our first trip to Hawaii Heather, Jes, and I took in a luau and toured a pineapple factory.  Pineapples are no longer widely grown in Hawaii. 

Chris and I made it to Kauai a few years later. 

Then many years later when Heather and Jes went with us we toured volcanoes on the big island.

We celebrated New Years Eve with a nice dinner.

We never made it to the observatory on Mt. Keck. One Pastor who took in this amazing opportunity said that the night sky of millions of stars was the most awesome and surprising scene he had ever seen.  Then he said that when Jesus returns He will shine so brightly that the spectacle will be even more wonderful. Will we be like the Israelites at Mt. Horeb (Deuteronomy 5:4 The Lord spoke with you face to face at the mountain, out of the midst of the fire, 5 while I (Moses) stood between the Lord and you at that time, to declare to you the word of the Lord. For you were afraid because of the fire, and you did not go up into the mountain.) 

Or will we be so relaxed like Peter, James, and John and fall asleep?(Luke 9:28 Now about eight days after these sayings he (Jesus) took with him Peter and John and James and went up on the mountain to pray. 29 And as he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became dazzling white. 30 And behold, two men were talking with him, Moses and Elijah, 31 who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. 32 Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep, but when they became fully awake they saw his glory and the two men who stood with him.)

Revelation 1:7 See! He is arriving, surrounded by clouds; and every eye shall see him—yes, and those who pierced him. And the nations will weep in sorrow and in terror when he comes. Yes! Amen! Let it be so!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024



I used to get confused about the dates for 2 of my cousin's birthdays in September.  After the terrorist attack on the United States on 9/11 I no longer am.  I'll always recall to mind cousin Laurie and cousin Diana's birthdays.  They were both born on 9/11.  What happiness that they have added to my life.  Laurie helped us with craft projects one year to decorate our home for Christmas.  We still use her decorations each year.  Cousin Diana actually likes relatives and supported us by singing at our weddings, attending them, and other special events for our family.  She led singing for both my parent's funerals. 

But 9/11 is still a solemn day for many in the United States.  Above is a You Tube which tells about a memorial display for 9/11 which takes place in California each year.  The people of our country were unified.  The churches were full to bursting.  The only place we could find words of life was from Jesus.

John 6:68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life,

Sunday, September 1, 2024



Samantha and Natalie.  Photo by Heather. Year -- maybe 2015?

My grandchildren Samantha, Natalie, and Noah usually get new things for school.  They shop and plan for new backpacks, clothes, and supplies. Sometimes they shop for what they need from used things around the house.  (Natalie made me a birthday present by "borrowing" a frame from her mom's picture for a scene she made for me.)

In my day I did all my shopping at home.  Mostly I did this as I hate to shop.  So I would find pens, pencils, paper, and binders around the house that were in fairly good shape. Sometimes I'd borrow clothes from my sister.  I made do with what I could find.  I never thought of asking my parents for money or using my babysitting money to buy new things.  

When we were growing up in Virginia we would travel to Washington to visit the relatives each summer.  Our grandmother on our father’s side thought that she had to buy the five of us us new shoes at Berg’s in Spokane.  She thought we couldn’t afford shoes.  That wasn’t the case.  It was that my mom liked Bergs and felt we could get better shoes there. The store started out as a children’s shoe stores in Spokane, WA in 1932, then branched out into specialty comfort footwear in 1985. So we waited until we got to Spokane to buy our shoes. 

As a grandmother, the way I get ready for the school year is I plan to pray. This year I'm leading another Moms in Prayer group.  We are praying that God will increase the number of moms praying this year. Our schools need God's protection and loving guidance to encourage and build up our education system and to bring out the potential of each child. Ready, set, pray!

I Samuel 2:18 Samuel was ministering before the Lord, a boy clothed with a linen ephod. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024


Homeless in Japan

Have you ever heard about the hobos back in the 1940's and 1950's?  Apparently there were some in Spokane who hung out by the railroad tracks. When the weather turned cold, or they wanted a change of scenery, they would jump on a passing boxcar, and get out of town.  

Today, all over the world, not to equate homeless people with hobos,--  mentally ill, drug addicted, people dropping out of society, and even military veterans--  camp on the streets and sidewalks. Authorities demand that they be allowed to do so.  It would be "mean" to have and enforce laws about loitering. We don't even allow homeless dogs to live on the streets. So why do we allow this?

The thinking in society has changed for the worse.  In his article John Seel--  says --"We are not in an age of change but a change of age." What one thought 50 years ago as being true is no longer true in society.  How do we find out what is true? What do we use as a plumb line now?  We seek God and His son Jesus.  How do we do this?  Pray, read the Bible, seek Christian fellowship. We have been given truth in a Good Book.   Sometimes it takes years of reading the Bible to understand it. Sometimes it is suddenly.

One such person who became suddenly converted was Blaise Pascal.  You can read about his life here.  Bliase Pascal

His life radically changed the evening of November 23, 1654, when Pascal experienced God’s presence in a powerful way. He immediately and radically reoriented his life and thinking toward God. He described the experience on a scrap of parchment that he sewed into his jacket and carried with him the rest of his life:   

FIRE—God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, not of the philosophers and scholars. Certitude, certitude. Heartfelt joy, peace. God of Jesus Christ. My God and thy God. Thy God shall be my God.   

From that moment, Pascal dedicated his life to serving God through his writing. His ideas on apologetics were collected and published after his death in a volume entitled, Pensées, or “Thoughts.”  

So how does one get interested in seeking Jesus?  Just ask God.  That is what I did.  I also asked God to make me interested in studying the Bible and He did!  

Psalm 43:3 Send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling!

Friday, August 2, 2024



I was a flower girl for Aunt Ruth and Uncle Jack's wedding.  Did not smile for the picture. I was missing my sister Evy as she was asleep and did not walk with me as the second flower girl.

I was fortunate to have a godly upbringing. Not only are parents and grandparents important in a child's life so are aunts and uncles. Aunt Ruth pictured above is the aunt who taught me and encouraged me to love music and dancing.  I have a recording of her encouraging me to do my dance for the audio recording even though I wasn't visible. 

Now to mention uncles. My brother Jay was thrilled to hold great niece Samantha.

Jes and Jessica are a terrific aunt and uncle to Samantha and Natalie.  Here is a picture of Uncle Jes babysitting Natalie.  She would make a funny face which I loved. 

Aunt Heather and Uncle Jessie are a generous aunt and uncle to Noah.  They shower him with good gifts. Here is Uncle Jessie playing with Noah and his parent's dog Freddo.

All this made me think of the teaching to obey the 10 commandments.  The one in particular I'm thinking of today is the 10th.  

 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor’s."

So what is our society teaching our kids today?  Everything from social media and even the Olympics are teaching our kids to lust.  We are given freedom by having the 10 commandments to put boundaries, which are good for us, around our lives.  We are not given license to have any freedom to do anything. Here is a quote from "Breakpoint."

“Satanic” is an accurate word, however, for the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics, staged as a journey through French history and culture down the Seine (pronounced sin), which is not only the name of the river that runs through Paris but what the performance celebrated. In fact, celebrating transgression, shock, and perversion was the point. Even more, this was a glorification of desecration, which included mocking the sacred. It was an example of what sociologist Phillip Rieff called a “deathwork,” only this one was broadcast across the world."

Even today the youth -- which are protesting against Israel and the United States -- are supporting Hamas out of ignorance. They do not know God's word. May our young people seek Jesus before it is too late.

Matthew 19:14  but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

Monday, July 15, 2024



Chris and me EWU Military Ball 1967.  Dress by Aunt Jeanne.

Chris and I are coming up on our 59th wedding anniversary in August.  Funny thing--we've been married longer than we've been single. Another funny thing about our marriage--it was exciting like a roller coaster or perhaps flying an airplane through a hurricane. We set out to have an adventurous life and we did! It is only by the grace of God that we have persevered--and also that my parents wouldn't take me back.

I can't believe what we have lived through in our lives.  First--  World War II, then Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Historical  attempted assassinations and  assassinations of U. S. Presidents and former presidents--John F. Kennedy, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and now Donald Trump. Where does all the hatred come from?  According to the Bible in I John 2:16 it is this--"For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world." Good works, teaching good things, and good governments help, but only Jesus changes hearts.So we pray for Jesus to come back and set everything to the way it was from the beginning--"And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good."