Tuesday, June 25, 2024



Chris and me on our HR.  Photo by a professional photographer.

When Chris and I lived on our boat in Mexico we were very careful to follow all the laws of the country. We were instructed that we were guests. We knew that according to the law of their land that we would be considered guilty until proven innocent unlike the laws in the U.S.  So what is going on in the world right now?  It seems people who do not obey the laws are allowed to come into any country illegally.  What has gone wrong?

The way I see it is this— It isn’t the color of the skin but the content of the character.  If we are obeying the laws of the country there should be no problems.  It is the content of the character that is lacking.  If the laws were enforced in all countries and we had enough people to throughly investigate immigrants to come in legally we would not be having this problem.  The chaos now is the Marxist plan to control the world. Meanwhile the governments are run by a people who have a death wish. God has put governments in place to be the agent to bring punishment on the wrong doers.  Apparently He has taken a pause. But someday everyone will be accountable to God—God is still in control.  The final battle of Ezekiel 38 and 39 is coming soon.  

Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.

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