Tuesday, May 21, 2024


 Honor Guard for the Torchlight Parade -- photo gallery

Granddaughter Samantha's high school band in Torchlight Parade 2023--  Facebook

The Armed Forces Torchlight Parade, the 86th,  on Saturday, May 18, featured 21 bands. The theme this year was "Dare to Dream" in honor of Expo '74.

 A new group in the parades are acknowledgements of fallen heroes. It is a solemn fact in our world even when we are not at war. 

In 1942 the parade was canceled due to WW II.  My cousin Audra was one of the Lilac Princesses. 

More details.

I had the honor of marching in the parade in 1965.  Ed Reed carried the guidon.

I have always loved to watch parades and to march in parades. My daughter and granddaughters would record any parades on TV for me to watch when I came to visit. My question is this-- have you ever marched in a parade?  Did you enjoy it or did you dislike to march? 

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