Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Testing Is So "Testing"

EWU Campus 1963

In 1962 Victor Goertzel, a physiologist specializing in psychotherapy, and Mildred George Goertzel, director of a school for emotionally disturbed children wrote, “Cradles of Eminence: A Provocative Study of the Childhoods of over 400 Famous Twentieth-Century Men and Women.”  In the book they relate andidotes from many highly productive people like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Winston Churchill.  These prominent people of the Twentieth Century liked teachers who supplied materials for various projects about which the students were passionate.  When it was time for testing, what was learned by memorization of various facts and statistics in their preparation for testing, caused them to loose focus, creativity, and their passion.

Einstein is quoted as saying, “Why should I memorize something I can so easily get from a book.”  Now it would be said, “that I can so easily look up on the Internet.”

All this is to ask-- is there an answer to the right balance for testing and for learning? Educators, parents, and students rely on tests to determine how students are progressing in their educational pursuits.  But if these tests are detrimental in the long run should they be relied upon to determine success in school?

It has been reported that the United States is falling behind in our ranking in relation to other countries.  This standing has been disputed. In an article by Marion Brady, veteran educator who has long argued that public education needs a paradigm shift, he writes:

An illustration: As I write, my wife is in the kitchen. She calls me for lunch. The small television suspended under the kitchen cabinets is tuned to CNN, and Time cover girl Michelle Rhee is being interviewed.
“On international tests,” she says, “the U.S. ranks 27th from the top.”
Michelle Rhee, three-year teacher, education reactionary, mainstream media star, fired authoritarian head of a school system being investigated for cheating on standardized tests, is given a national platform to misinform. She doesn’t explain that, at the insistence of policymakers, and unlike other countries, America tests every kid — the mentally disabled, the sick, the hungry, the homeless, the transient, the troubled, those for whom English is a second language. That done, the scores are lumped together. She doesn’t even hint that when the scores of the disadvantaged aren’t counted, American students are at the top. If Michelle Rhee doesn’t know that, she shouldn’t be on CNN. If she knows it but fails to point it out, she shouldn’t be on CNN.”

So what is the truth?  In my own experience I don’t recall testing being such a big deal. I attended public schools in Alexandria, VA.  My aunt and uncle, college professors in Wisconsin, believed that my siblings and I had an inferior education. But of the five children in my family we all attended these schools through high school for my older brother, my younger sister, and me, and through Jr. High for my two younger brothers.  All five of us are college graduates. 

The only testing I recall was when I was in 10th grade and then again when I was a senior. I don’t recollect being prepared for these tests.  The tests I took in Virginia were the ACT and the SAT. When I decided to attend college in Washington State I was required to take their CEE or the Washington Pre- College Test.  Again I do not remember any preparation for the test.

When our son was applying for academic and music scholarships for college we sent him to a class to teach him how to take the SAT.  He believes the class was of no help in raising his scores.

In some cases these tests add to stress for teachers and students in the public schools.  In certain schools each month, 18 or more students will move in, or the same number, will move out of the school. It is unlikely that the new students will be in the same place on the test.  Another problem is using computers for the tests.  There are not enough computers.  Worse yet, some students don’t know how to use computers, and also may not speak English. 

So the conversation will continue.  I’m still impressed with Marva Collin’s Socratic teaching technique.  She started with no books.  Her students were children who lived in a ghetto.  All learned and became productive members of society.  Maybe we just need good teachers and not bother with the tests!  What do you think?

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Red And Yellow Black And White

I don’t remember for sure, but I think that I learned all the Sunday school songs I’m familiar with at Calvary Presbyterian Church in Alexandria, VA.  One of the songs I wish every child could learn is “Jesus Loves The Little Children.”  The words are:

Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red, brown, yellow
Black and white
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus loves the little children
Of the world.

Jesus died for all the children
All the children of the world
Red, brown, yellow
Black and white
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus died for all the children
Of the world.

Jesus rose for all the children
All the children of the world
Red, brown, yellow
Black and white
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus rose for all the children
Of the world.

The video above says red and yellow, black and white.  Later brown was added. I would say the red stands for American Indians, yellow for Asian, black for African, Middle Eastern, Mexican, South American,or South Pacifica, and white for European. How would you define race by skin color?  The whole point is that Jesus loves children no matter what color they are.

We have had a firestorm of difficult race relations in the United States recently.  In California and Arizona there is the problem of high school Mexican citizens wanting to celebrate their Mexican holidays at school and becoming angry if high school American citizens wear American flag T-shirts to school on those days.  We have had looting and burning in Missouri and Maryland because of black men who were killed by police in questionable circumstances.  The most tragic situations are the black on black crime in Chicago, Cleveland, and other cities.  Worse still are the radicalized Muslims who want to kill Jews and anybody who does not submit to Sharia law.

Christians need to spread the word that God loves all of us.  He is our Creator.  He wants us to love each other.  But the only way that will happen is if we are brothers and sisters in the Lord.  I Peter 2: 9  "But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God's OWN POSSESSIONso that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;"   In a mysterious way Christians become the same race no matter what the skin color!

Because of what has been given to us, those who know Jesus are called to a higher standard.  The hope is that those without Christ will turn to Him through our good works and the power of the Holy Spirit.  The Bible tells us that God’s judgment is coming onto the earth and onto the people who do not believe.  We must have compassion on the unbelievers before it is too late.

Of all the hurting people in the world Christians have the best chance of getting rid of all bitterness in our losses, and to forgive those who have betrayed us. Here is a book recommendation which may help. Click here.

 Love is the only answer. Christians show our love by spreading the Gospel and making disciples.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Books, Movies, And Jesus

Many people say that you should read the book first before you see the movie. This is because the book has more details and you can enjoy the wonderful, rich writing. (My Aunt Emily thought Reader’s Digest Condensed books were a travesty.) By reading the book before you see the movie it makes it easier to follow what is happening during the show. 

So because of this advice I have not seen these movies. I’m not done reading and understanding the Bible yet:

  • Mel Gibson’s 2004 movie “Passion of the Christ”
  • Roma Downey and Mark Burnett’s 2013 mini series called “The Bible”
  • The 2014 Downey and Burnett’s “Son Of God”
  • Their “A.D. The Bible Continues” episodes  
  • Bill O’Reilly’s “Killing Jesus” movie 

(It is interesting to me that Gibson, Downey, Burnett, and O'Reilly are Catholic.  Does this cause the movies to be slanted?)

Mostly I skipped these productions because we don’t have cable.  But maybe the most important reason I didn’t watch these movies was because I feared that I would be disappointed.

Back in the day, I watched “The Ten Commandments.” The acting was great, the photography brilliant, and the production spectacular.  But do I remember it?  No.  What I do remember are the Sunday school songs we learned and the Bible stories we were told in Sunday school when I was a child. And now, as an adult, through studying the Bible in groups, I’m learning more and more about who God is and what He is like. I would really have trouble learning these things by watching a movie.

Movies about the Bible are good though. Maybe they will spark an interest, and cause some, who are not studying the Bible, to pick it up and read it, or sign up for a Bible study.  There are many non-denominational studies like Bible Study Fellowship, Precepts Bible study, and Community Bible study to attend.  Even better some people may go to a Bible teaching church and get involved in a Bible study there.  However, God can use anything to teach us about Himself, even movies.